Lync Development – Deep Dive
Everybody knows Lync as an application or communication tool, but what can you really do with Lync and what is Microsoft’s goal with this application?
Microsoft offers the infrastructure with Lync Server, Lync client and Lyc Online. Lync Room System is an update that we need to expand the functionality of Lync into a full collaboration tool. Lync enterprise voice features are being added all the time with Lync On-Premise but true Lync applications are lacking.
An important type of Lync application is emerging, the Contact Center application. The expansion of the Lync Server to make it a full featured pstn / voip switchboard. With all those nice presence controls and communication ways a lot more can be achieved right? but… how?
3 different API’s are available:
– Unified Communication Managed API for server side coding
– Unified Communications Web API for independent client side coding
– Lync SDK for extending the Lync client or creating your own client.
Important to consider is that this code is running a real time communication proces, endpoint status and possibilities are the main concern for a programmer.
Both your smartphone, laptop and tablet have Lync clients avalaible, they can all register themselves as a Lync endpoint, but can they all accept videoconference calls?
Some nice examples:
– helpdeskbot MS:
– lync 2013 sdk samples:
– lync presence indicator for sharepoint in jquery (with options):
– lync auto answer:
– smartchat or lyncwidget voor anonieme webchat